Time at home ALONE. All by myself - just me and the dog.
I put on some music - today my choice was the soundtrack from the movie TROY and prepared the veggies for tonights dinner. I put the dishes away. Caught up on some reading, looked at my diary for the week ahead and planned my "To Do" list.
I worked all week last week and even though Monday was a public holiday I was still at home with 5 other people. Lately I have noticed that even though my children are older and much more independent now WHENEVER I shut my bathroom door someone calls out "MUM".
It's uncanny.
It happens everytime.
But not today I got my shower in peace and quiet.
As women in general I think we forget about ourselves. We get so caught up in the busyness of our lives that we often don't take time out for ourselves. I love scrapbooking and also for a little while did some quilting. Even before I started work I didn't get time to do those things every week. Now free time is rare and so I enjoy the opportunity to make a quick card or add some photos into my Project Life Album (I am still catching up on last year let alone trying to keep up with this year).
One of my goals this year was to set aside a night once a month where I could get together with some friends to do some "crafty" stuff. Here we are - it's half way through March and I haven't done it yet.
Although I must say that I did get together with my little Sis a couple of weeks ago during the day and we had a card making day so I guess that counts doesn't it?
Yes that counts.
I want to leave you with a quote by Harvey Mackay.
I have no idea who this is or was but I like the quote so here it is.
"Decide what your PRIORITIES are and how much time you'll spend on them.
If you don't, someone else will."
SO true.