Friday, April 29, 2011


Big J suffers from a bit of OCD. Some would say it is just the Autism, but I think it's a little of both.
He walks around the house shutting certain doors. The toilet, laundry, bathroom, my ensuite and my wardrobe.
He straightens the tea towels on the oven door.
He makes sure the bin is in the right spot.
He pushes rubbish down into the bin to make room for more.
And if anyone ever puts something in the bin, he waits and watches the bin lid go down.
(We have a sensor bin, you wave your hand over the sensor and the lid opens)
He pushes the chairs in at the table.
No drink bottle or jug can be left in the kitchen without him tipping out the contents and throwing the empty bottles in the sink.
He puts his dirty washing (and sometimes clean washing) into the dirty clothes basket.
(which is a good thing I'm not complaining about it - the dirty washing that is)
Once I put an extra pillow on his bed so he had two
 ( I don't see what's wrong with that - I have 6 pillows on my bed) 
until I got tired of picking it up off the floor because he kept throwing it there.
He is an energy saver - he walks around our house turning off lights especially at dusk when I need the light on in the kitchen!
He also does not like the way I arrange cushions on my lounge.

This is what my lounge room looks like according to me.

And this is what it looks like according to Big J!

It kind of makes me smile!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Through the Window

I have decided that Autumn is my favourite season.
I just LOVE all the leaves in their warm colours on the trees and on the ground once they have fallen.
I love the rustling , crunching sound it makes when you walk through them.
I wanted to share our best tree this year.
( Yes being married to Dale for 20 years has rubbed off on me)
Acer rubrum - Red Maple "October Glory"
Although it is our "April Glory"
It is just beautiful and I get to look out the dining room window everyday at it.

The photo really doesn't do it justice.

 And here it is up close.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Mt Lofty Botanic Garden

On Tuesday, the last day of our 5 day weekend I wanted to take a family trip across the way to the Mt Lofty Botanic Garden to take some pics.
We got into the car, drove over there only to find the car park full and overflowing out into the surrounding streets.
We found a spot to leave our car and low and behold....when I opened Big J's door he looked at me and said "No Thanks" and shut his door again!



This happens sometimes.
The not getting out of the car thing.
Quite frankly it is very annoying.

All I wanted to do this weekend was take pictures here!!!!!

We used to come here a lot a few years ago.

It was a great Sunday afternoon activity going for a walk as a family and enjoying the beautiful trees and greenery.
Maybe we have left it too long between visits?
Maybe because we were not parked "in" the car park he couldn't tell where he was?
Probably not.
Oh well, so we all got back into the car and drove off.

Yesterday however Big J had a quick one night stay away from home so in the afternoon
 I took A-J and little J and off we went.

Here are some of my favourite photos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Travel Journal

I took an online scrapbooking class on Saturday, in amongst the washing, dropping off children at friend's houses, a quick trip to the shop and cooking dinner.
I have been a fan of Ali Edwards work for some time and when I noticed she offered an online class and it was only US $14 I thought "Why not"?

This type of album is a work in progress.
You assemble it at home.
Take it with you on your trip.
Add to it by journalling and collecting stuff on your trip.
Add the photos and any finishing touches at home after the trip.

My album contains blank pages (which I have stamped to make
them look a bit more interesting)
I have some envelope pockets to collect ticket stubs,
business cards from places we eat or shop at. 

 Here is a look at the cover.

 Here is a look at the inside.

You can see this is one of my blank pages. I used a day of the week stamp
so all I have to do when I journal this day is circle the day of the week.
There is also a file card on the right which I will use as a pocket for stuff I collect. 

This one shows another blank page but with a larger pocket on the right.

This page has patterned paper and twill tape stapled on top of it.

Here is the back cover.

The album was chipboard, spiral bound but I took off the spiral binding
and used binding rings instead. There was an even number of holes so
 that's why I have two rings in the middle. I couldn't have one ring off centre!
The best thing about this project was that I bought nothing for it!
I used supplies out of my stash and even used some of my stamps for the first time.

Now all I have to do is remember to pack it with some glue, adhesive,
a couple of pens and a small hole punch.
My Scrapbook on the Road will be all ready to go!

You Are Never Too Old for an Easter Egg Hunt

Or so that is what my children believe!
After church yesterday afternoon the "adults" hid the eggs while the children (18, 17, 13 & 11)
waited eagerly until they heard the call
"We're ready"!

As you can see the eggs were hidden high and low.

And all Big J cared about was that he got to eat one.

We enjoyed a lovely Easter Sunday with our parents.
It was nice to be together to celebrate Easter and share a meal together.
As I was preparing dinner I kept thinking about all the ill health our parents have suffered the past year.
It makes you realise how important family is.
I know that I am grateful for mine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ladybug in the Lavender

I took some more photos of my lavender the other day.
I was very excited to see a ladybug nestled in a strand of lavendar.
Ladybugs are my favourite!

Monday, April 18, 2011

In the Garden Part 2

The great thing about the school holidays is that there is more free time.
I had a play around this morning with my photos from yesterday in Photoshop.
I must say I am pretty happy with the results!

I also really liked this photo of the green grasshopper with the butterfly in the background. I would have taken a load more photos of my little green friend but my camera battery died.
 I will be on the look out for him later today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In the Garden

Today was such a beautiful day.
Up in the hills there was a slight breeze, and the sun was shining it was GLORIOUS!

As I walked on the deadly treadly I looked out the window and could see Monarch Butterflies sucking the nectar from my lavendar bush.  I decided that taking photos of nature was more important than exercising (can you tell I don't need much convincing) so I took the opportunity to step outside and snap some photos in the garden.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Autumn is Here

Yes, the leaves are turning colour and falling to the ground.
It's already half way through April (almost) and that means bushfire season is over.
Another Summer has been and gone and we are still safe.

That makes me happy.


It has been weighing heavily on my mind of late that this is our "last year" with D.
He hits the big 19 this June and so that means next year it's "Bye bye D, hello mission".
I can't lie the thought of him leaving is just unbearable sometimes.
He is such a great help and support and there is no-one that I know who doesn't love and respect him.
So since we are all about making memories, we have been toying with the idea of a last family holiday.

Make it memorable? Yes.

Make it big? Not necessarily.

Make it small? Could be nice.

We have been looking at a few options.

Now D's best buddy is in the States for a year with his family and he plans on leaving for his mission from the US so it would mean 3 years without seeing each other.
We asked the kids if they could have a holiday to go anywhere where would they choose.

The vote was unanimous. They all wanted to go to the States.
After some deliberation, a sleepless night worrying about Big J in respite for 18 days, budgeting and the like it's booked and we are off in July for two weeks in America!
Can't wait!